Customer Stories: Jacqui Worden

Customer Stories: Jacqui Worden

OWNER: Jacqui Worden

HOMETOWN: Charleston, Illinois

DILEMMA: I am an artist and a collector of lots of stuff – that’s what children say as soon as they walk into my home for the first time: “Wow! You have lots of cool stuff!” Lots of books, art supplies, puppets, rocks, shells and found objects. My house was overflowing and I didn’t have a place to entertain friends when they visited. Another kid-quote: “It looks like a tornado hit.” I wanted space and order.
DREAM: Art Studio

PRIORITY: Incorporate special features like sun tubes, an insulated floor, a stained glass window I owned, window sills and doors with storm doors. I needed an art studio! But I love where I live – my neighbors, the wooded setting, my garden, my pets – and I didn’t want to leave my country home, get cleaned up, drive someplace and pay rent! Could I build my childhood dream of a “backyard clubhouse”? As a kid I was always building leaf forts in the fall and snow forts in the winter. Spring and summer I made outdoor rooms amid trees using ropes to hang old quilts to create walls and used crates and old boards for furniture. Climbing into one of the trees made yet another space all my own! But now, as a grown up I need a more permanent and waterproof structure that would open up my house by taking my art activities with their tools and supplies out – to a studio on my own property!

SUMMARY: “Like magic, it happened – I now have a Coach House Garage. I love my Coach House Studio! It is a beautiful, functional, well-built structure that gives me a place to make art, to entertain, to teach, and to store and organize my stuff. I’ll even have a place where the neighborhood kids and I can put on a puppet show with plenty of space for an audience!

And my house? Well, there are now lots of places to sit and because of my Coach House Garage, there will be a “place for everything and everything in its place!”

#I0316 – Garage in Charleston


When you build with Coach House, you can take pride in knowing you’ve chosen the best. From hand-selected materials to expert construction, your new Coach House will add functionality and value to your home. And because they are built to last, you’ll enjoy many years in your Coach House. Top quality… designed to your specifications. That’s the Coach House way.