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Coach House of Illinois
AltonJason Ohley
BloomingtonScott Robinson
CarbondaleJason Ohley
ChampaignChuck Routh
DanvilleChuck Routh
DecaturDennon Stortzum
DwightHenry Styck
EffinghamTim Laue
GalesburgMike Groom
JacksonvilleMark Britton & Scott Robinson
MattoonMark McDaniel
Mt. VernonJason Ohley
PeoriaChris Marinich
PrincetonJustin Hamm
Quad CitiesRandy Rogers
SpringfieldMark Britton & Scott Robinson
YorkvilleJosiah Solecki
Coach House of Indiana
GoshenChristine Beachy
Indianapolis (North)Vince Braun
Indianapolis (South)Jeff Rabourn
KokomoRex Woodmansee
LafayetteJack Stites
Terre HauteJack Stites
Coach House of Missouri
St. LouisDennis Sharp
Coach House of Iowa
Quad CitiesRandy Rogers
Coach House of Michigan
Goshen, INChristine Beachy